Mike T. Irwin Food Pantry

The Michael T. Irwin Food Pantry is one of the most active ministries at MCC Knoxville. It provides food baskets for the hungry, both within the LGBTQ community and throughout the Knoxville area. During 2007, MCC Knoxville delivered more than 100 food baskets, plus $3000 in benevolence. Thank you to everyone who helped! Assembled periodically by members of the church, the baskets contain a combination of food donated by those attending worship services the third Sunday of each month, items received through the Second Harvest food program, and items purchased with monetary gifts to the pantry. It was dedicated to the memory of Michael T. Irwin shortly after his untimely passing in 2006. Mike served as an active member of MCC Knoxville for most of his adult life.
Donations of food and/or funds are gratefully accepted. The pantry "grocery list" includes 8.5 oz corn bread or muffin mix; 1 lb box or saltine crackers; 14 oz box of whole grain cereal such as All Bran, Bran Flakes, Cheerios, Wheat, Rice or Corn Chex, Cream of Wheat, Grape Nuts, Kix, Shredded Wheat, Wheaties; and 1 lb bag of rice. Monetary donations can be made using the marked envelopes at the back of the sanctuary, or by mail to the church address.
Following Christ's teachings regarding the importance of service to others, MCC Knoxville's Benevolence Fund provides much-needed financial support to those who would otherwise be left by the wayside. For example, during September and October 2006, the fund helped four families with rent, so they could avoid eviction; two families with vehicle repair problems, so the breadwinners could continue to get back and forth to work; four families with utilities; and eight families with food. We are always thankful for the donations which help make differences such as these in people's lives.
Many thanks to those who generously support the Michael T. Irwin Food Pantry! In the past we have provided a total of 218 food boxes to people in our community, to include 292 adults and 182 children last count. At Thanksgiving we delivered 45 boxes of food, and we expect to need 51 or more for Christmas this year. FEMA estimates each box to hold $34.77 worth of food. Doing the math, that leads up to $7,579.86 worth of food we have supplied to hungry persons across Knox County and beyond. When we continue to feed and care for the hungry, we are feeding and caring for Christ. As each of us does a little to participate in the Body of Christ, the result is more Love than could be accomplished on our own. Thank you for your continued faith in this vital and important mission of our church.
In the past, Food City donated $500 to MCC Knoxville in their Race Against Hunger campaign. Former Pastor Jill accepted the check with a promise to buy even more to refill our pantry after the holidays. Many thanks to Ted L. and Manager Terry for their help, coordination, and support in our many bulk orders this year as we worked diligently to keep our Food Pantry stocked!